
What can you make with an old green coat and a ping pong ball?

Kermit the Frog. This Muppet was mad ein 1969 and has been in the American History Museum's collection for three decades.

Kermit the Frog. This Muppet was mad ein 1969 and has been in the American History Museum’s collection for three decades.

The original Kermit the Frog! He was painstakingly made from a green coat discarded by Jim Henson’s mother with eyes that were each half of a ping-pong ball. In 1955, Henson’s “Sam and Friends” featuring Kermit and other early puppets debuted on local Washington, D.C., television.

It’s not easy being green ›

Questions come alive at the Smithsonian. SeriouslyAmazing.com

Posted: 4 June 2013
About the Author:

Alex di Giovanni is primarily responsible for "other duties as assigned" in the Office of Communications and External Affairs. She has been with the Smithsonian since 2006 and plans to be interred in the Smithson crypt.