Space shuttle Challenger crew: STS-51-L crew: (front row) Pilot Michael J. Smith; Mission Commander Francis R. (Dick) Scobee; Mission Specialist Ronald McNair; (back row) Mission Specialist Ellison Onizuka; Payload Specialist Christa McAuliffe;Payload Specialist Gregory Jarvis; Mission Specialist Judith Resnik.
January 31, 1986 The Space Hall of the National Air and Space Museum is “filled to overflowing” with hundreds who come to watch the telecast of the memorial service for the crew of the Space Shuttle Challenger, who died when the shuttle broke apart after launch on Jan. 28, 1986.
At the unveiling of a memorial plaque at the Air and Space Museum dedicated to the Space Shuttle Challenger astronauts, are (from left) Sen. Jake Garn; Secretary of Education William Bennett; National Air and Space Museum Director Walter J. Boyne; and Sen. John Glenn. (Photo by Dale Hrbak, as featured in the Torch, March 1986)
Posted: 31 January 2019