Smithsonian Gardens: Caring for the Plant Collection
In May, the Office of Visitor Services and Volunteer Management hosted a special Smithsonian Volunteer Enrichment Program, Smithsonian Gardens: Caring for the Plant Collection.
During the program, participants heard from Matthew Fleming, horticulturalist at the Smithsonian Gardens Greenhouse, to learn about the work of Smithsonian Gardens, the challenges of caring for a large plant collection, and what it takes to move tropicals from the greenhouse to the Smithsonian campus each year. He also talks about some of his favorite plants and flowers that have been cultivated by his team.
If you were unable to join us for the live program (or want to watch it again), the recording is now available! Click the link below and enter the passcode when prompted to access the lecture.
Meeting Recording:
Smithsonian Gardens: Caring for the Plant Collection
Access Passcode: SIGardens2022!
Posted: 6 July 2022
Collaboration , Education, Access & Outreach , Volunteer Voices