
Save the Date: Annual Smithsonian staff (and volunteer) picnic

Join us for the 21st Annual Smithsonian Staff Picnic! Sponsored by the Smithsonian Community Committee, this free event includes lunch, entertainment, games, and more for SI staff, fellows, interns, contractors, and volunteers.

Lunch will be provided by Mission Barbeque with vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options provided by Eco Caters. Menus will be posted on the Smithsonian Community Committee’s Picnic website prior to the event. Advance registration is required to ensure that there is enough food for everyone.

Please register at no later than Wednesday, September 18, 2024.  


Wednesday, October 9, 2024
11:30 am-2:30 pm


The Arts and Industries Building, S. Dillon Ripley Center (Quad), and the Enid A. Haupt Garden.


Please complete this form by September 11, 2024, to reserve an activity station at the picnic. Past activities include origami folding, research presentations, and amateur radio demonstrations.

Questions? Contact Ren


If you are interested in performing onstage at the picnic, please contact Charlie Weber by September 11, 2024.


Flu shots provided by the Office of Safety & Environmental Management will be available at the picnic while supplies last.

Please note these upcoming SI-wide announcements:

September 4, 2024: Registration opens

September 11, 2024: Call for staff volunteers

Stay tuned for more information!

For further information on this message, contact Lauren Cooper, National Postal Museum, x3-5062 (VoIP) or 202-633-5062 (non-VoIP),

Posted: 3 September 2024
About the Author:

Alex di Giovanni is primarily responsible for "other duties as assigned" in the Office of Communications and External Affairs. She has been with the Smithsonian since 2006 and plans to be interred in the Smithson crypt.

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